HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Baltimore, Maryland, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

5th Edition of Global Conference on

Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry

October 21-23, 2024 | Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Welcome Message

Welcome Message

Behavioral Health Conference

Yours Sincerely
Nile Stanley, University of North Florida, United States

5th Edition of Global Conference on Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry | October 21-23, 2024

Dear conference visitors, it is my privilege to offer takeaways of my upcoming keynote address. Therapeutic bibliotherapy referred to as a “social prescription” is a hot topic and can complement traditional medical or psychological therapies. An interesting question arises, should bibliotherapy and other art therapies be supported by American health insurance as it is in England? Bibliotherapy provides a unique avenue for personal growth, self-awareness, and resilience. While it may not directly prevent drug addiction, it contributes to overall well-being and equips individuals with viable tools to navigate life’s challenges. The presentation will present an IRB-approved research study. You will acquire knowledge and personal awareness of the protective factors that increase resilience. You will review the components of a successful, award-winning non-profit, mental health provider.

Welcome Message

Behavioral Health Conference

Yours Sincerely
Denis Larrivee, Loyola University Chicago, United States

5th Edition of Global Conference on Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry | Hybrid Event

Dear Conference attendees, I am honored to extend a few words of welcome to the many professionals who are active supporters of addiction research. As you are aware, addiction research has entered a new era in brain based studies. Beyond the investigation of dopamine pathways that once were a major focus, new investigations explore how broad based neurological systems facilitate drug dependence. These new studies draw insights from homologous impairments seen in cognitive diseases, such as impaired self recognition and action execution processes. Etiologies for these diseases have previously remained obscure in part because of study strategies that relied on gene based investigations. This reliance tended to focus on molecular mechanisms within and between nerve cells rather than on how these cells are organized to carry out  behavioral functions. The new focus sees the brain in the light of its systemic character, where neuronal populations and not molecular groupings are the foundation of the brain's organization and hierarchy. These approaches are opening exciting avenues in addiction research, including such topics as cortical maps and representations, plasticity modulation, and nerve networks, which promise to extend our conception of how addiction molds brain functioning. 

Welcome Message

Psychiatry Conferences

Yours Sincerely
Elizabeth Dale Gilley, The Elle Foundation, United States

October 21-23, 2024 | Baltimore, Maryland, USA | 5th Edition of Global Conference on Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry

These are exciting times in science.  The research world is tasked with teaching genomic medicine to practitioners, so they can provide a higher standard of care.  The gifts of the genomic era of addiction medicine are revolutionary.  They include new paradigms, frameworks, or lens through which to view addiction and mental disorder; new terminology like Reward Dysfunction Syndrome paradigm, and words like dopamine homeostasis, dopamine deficiency or surfeit.

The focus is no longer on the symptoms which are the basis for the DSM diagnoses, but rather on the underlying neurology, and brain challenges which produce mental health clusters.  Addiction Treatment should begin with genetic screening data collection, to analyze variance influence upon neurology. Neurogenetic and neurobiological challenges are causal influences which precede mental health manifestations. In other words, Addiction, and all those other DSM labels are symptoms, endotypes. 

Another gift, of the genomic era, is the new field of psychiatric genomics and the new standard which requires the elimination of prescription by trial and error, which may not help and could hurt the client.  Genomic medicine requires choosing medication for the individual brain, not a diagnostic category of symptoms.  Genetic screening and analysis of neurological challenge from gene variance makes it possible to determine the correct target of neurotransmission, paired with the proper mechanism of action.  

Welcome Message

Behavioral Health Conference

Yours Sincerely
Ann Marie Leonard Zabel, Curry College & NEALAC Clinic, United States

Baltimore, Maryland, USA | October 21-23, 2024 | 5th Edition of Global Conference on Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry

Dear Esteemed Congress Visitors and Distinguished Speakers,

It is both a privilege and a delight to extend a warm welcome to the esteemed participants of the 5th Edition of the Global Conference on Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health, and Psychiatry (GAB 2024) in the vibrant city of Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

Our conference theme, "Healing Minds, Empowering Lives: Integrative Approaches to Mental and Behavioral Health," embodies our collective commitment to advancing knowledge and fostering collegiality within the critical fields of addiction medicine, behavioral health, and psychiatry. Throughout the event, we anticipate a rich exchange of expertise, insights, and innovative strategies that will empower professionals with invaluable skill sets, elevating the quality of care delivered to those in need.

The distinguished speakers assembled here bring a wealth of knowledge, aligning with current practices and treatment modalities. Their contributions promise to resonate deeply, offering practical insights that reinforce excellence in patient care. Together, through collaborative presentations, engaging poster sessions, and insightful discussions, we aim to explore applied research and treatment approaches that hold significant promise for individuals navigating the complexities of addiction, treatment, recovery, and stigma.

As like-minded colleagues, we have the unique opportunity to pool our resources and expertise, collectively contributing to the advancement of humane and compassionate care for individuals struggling with the Disease of Addiction. We are genuinely excited about the prospect of meeting you in person and fostering meaningful connections during this enriching conference experience.

Here's to a conference filled with knowledge, collaboration, and shared dedication to making a positive impact on the lives of those affected by addiction. We eagerly anticipate the pleasure of your company at GAB 2024.


Welcome Message

Psychiatry Conferences

Yours Sincerely
Meni Koslowsky, Ariel University, Israel

5th Edition of Global Conference on Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry | Baltimore, Maryland, USA | October 21-23, 2024

Dear conference participants. I am delighted to write a few words of welcome to those who will be attending the congress in the Fall of 2024. My message to all of you is that in medicine, as well as any discipline that requires interactions among people seeking assistance, empathy is a critical component.  Although skills and knowledge provide the basis for medical student success, beliefs about their capabilities to use these skills can dictate whether they can develop effective patient-physician communication. A core feature of the doctor-patient relationship is empathy. Empathy that improves patient-doctor communication can make the relationship more effective. Furthermore, empathy improves many aspects of healthcare practice including patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes. As such, teaching the medical student how to listen to the patient is a critical skill for enhancing the likelihood of treatment success.

Welcome Message

Addiction Medicine Conference

Yours Sincerely
Sam Vaknin, Southern Federal University, Russian Federation

5th Edition of Global Conference on Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry | October 21-23, 2024 | Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Welcome to the 5th Edition  of Global Conference on Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry. This gathering is one of the richest ever.

As neuroscientists and mental health practitioners, we are all faced with the conundrum: is addiction a disease or a dysregulatory behavioral dysfunction? What about the social dimensions of addictive behaviors? Is there such a clinical entity as an “addictive personality”?

The scientific program aims to tackle all these aspects, many of which are much neglected in both the literature and in other conferences.

Among the more titillating presentations: cultural dynamics in addiction; the edo questionnaire; and my video presentation on when psychotherapy becomes addictive.

We wish you a thought-provoking time: addiction to new knowledge is encouraged!

Welcome Message

Behavioral Health Conference

Yours Sincerely
Dr. Mohammad Zare, Houston Texas, United States

4th Edition of Global Conference on Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health And Psychiatry | Boston, USA - Hybrid Event

Dear Congress Visitors,

It is my privilege to welcome and thank you for being here with us today. The opioid epidemic was already on the rise when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and now we are faced with the Fentanyl crisis. It is no wonder that psycho-social health is of utmost concern, not only for those of us here in the US but all over the world.  It is with this thought in mind that we come together in the spirit of collaboration to share information and knowledge regarding research, evidence based practice and cutting edge technology. Our collective goal is to bring forth practices, strategies to enhance skill sets, and provide an avenue for the exchange of knowledge so we can help our patients with their struggles and place them in the best position to heal, as well as improve their quality of life.

Welcome Message

Behavioral Health Conference

Yours Sincerely
Dawn Duhaime Spring Green Foundation United States

4th Edition of Global Conference on Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health And Psychiatry | October 19-21, 2023 - Hybrid Event

I am in deep gratitude at the opportunity to share the stories and research we have discovered over our years of working with adults in addiction during the creation of the documentary ONE.  

After 36 years in the field, I have come to understand the most powerful form of learning is experiential.  Therefore, rather than develop a piece on addiction that focuses on information, we decided to take the viewer on a journey to learn the stories of several individuals who range from the gang leader to the cheerleader, revealing one simple truth; we all struggle with one form or another of addiction. Through this presentation you will be able to connect your own respective path to what this documentary reveals, particularly as it pertains to life patterns.  Combine this with the philosophy of Dr. Alan Watts, and Dr. Vincent Felitti’s powerful explanation of ACES and its direction correlation to becoming an IV drug user, I hope to offer an insight into addiction not commonly given in our current culture. Until we fully understand the why, we cannot successfully address the how. ONE provides an opportunity for understanding a critical foundational piece to addiction as well as creating a space for an ongoing dialogue that prompts viewers to look within to their own personal patterns.

I have walked this path personally and professionally. While in the process of producing this film, I discovered my son had become addicted to opioids, entering my own personal nightmare of watching what this disease does to  those afflicted and the ones who love them. I speak from both knowledge and experience and am honored to share this journey with all of you.


Looking forward to seeing you all this Fall!

Welcome Message

Addiction Conferences

Yours Sincerely
Elizabeth Dale Gilley The Elle Foundation, United States

4th Edition of Global Conference on Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health And Psychiatry | Hybrid Event

I am so excited for the opportunities and possibilities which 2023 present. I am thrilled to continue my research on the efficacy of Reward Deficiency Syndrome Solutions.  I shall be presenting my most recent research on the Elle Foundation Research Institute 200’s series. I am  pleased to be able to bring these resources to the public, to the mental health disorder patients who are  still suffering, for whom traditional Substance Use Disorder treatment has not worked.  Even more importantly, is our work in prevention, for the children of mental health disorder patients, for whom their parents’ RDS can cause epigenetic insult for two consecutive generations.

In my personal mental health journey,  the most outstanding saving grace was when I was able to step outside of the substance use disorder paradigm and view my  individual psychopathology as a manifestation of the underlying neurogenetic causal influence, Reward Deficiency Syndrome.  This lessened the shame of mental health stigma and provided solutions which addressed the cause rather than the symptom.  I follow my own personal  RDS treatment plan, which utilizes pharmacogenomic interventions for my dopamine and serotonin deficiencies.  None of this would have been possible if not for the GARS, Genetic Addiction Risk Score (GARS) test. 

I am dedicated to my research of RDS because it has been instrumental in my life and that of my family members.  We are an RDS family working RDS treatment plans, and enjoying RDS solutions, such as the amino acid BRAIN REWARD,  where there used to be none.   

See you at the global conference!!

Welcome Message

Addiction Conferences

Yours Sincerely
Denis Larrivee Loyola University Chicago, United States

4th Edition of Global Conference on Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health And Psychiatry | Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Dear Conference Attendees,
It is a pleasure for me to welcome you to the GAB Magnus Group 2023 Addiction conference. Your presence is a testimony to your concern over the vast issue of addiction in contemporary American society and how best to resolve it. Clearly, one aspect of this effort will require cutting edge scientific studies, in addition to the social and clinical approaches used to lessen addiction’s destructive impact. Fortunately, dramatic advances in the neuroscience of addiction have been made in the last two decades. These findings have revealed not only its pathological effects on brain chemistry but have also begun to identify the pathways and neural circuits that are co-opted by substance abuse. Because brain functioning fundamentally depends on intercellular communication, knowing how these pathways are interrupted by addictive drugs holds promise for appraising how such pathological communication between brain regions can be overcome. It is my hope that these and other discoveries reported on here will assist your efforts in addressing addiction. 

Welcome Message

Addiction Medicine Conference

Yours Sincerely
Sam Vaknin Former Visiting Professor of Personality Psychology Southern Federal University (SFU), Russia

4th Edition of Global Conference on Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry | Hybrid Event | Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Welcome to the 4th Edition  of Global Conference on Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry. This gathering is one of the richest ever.

As neuroscientists and mental health practitioners, we are all faced with the conundrum: is addiction a disease or a dysregulatory behavioral dysfunction? What about the social dimensions of addictive behaviors? Is there such a clinical entity as an “addictive personality”?

The scientific program aims to tackle all these aspects. It comprises presentations about childhood and other traumas (among refugees); neuroscience; spirituality; addictions in various settings (such as the workplace or college); treatments and counseling; prescription drugs and illicit marketplaces; surveys of these afflictions in non-Western societies (such as India and Oman); and personal experiences of family members of addicts.

Tangential topics are also on the agenda: Burenorphine and its effects; COVID-19 quarantine and its effects on addicts; recovery in dysfunctional families; and more.

We wish you a thought-provoking time: addiction to new knowledge is encouraged!

Welcome Message

Welcome Message for Addiction Conference 2022

Yours Sincerely
Alexandra Eva Sulcova St. Anne’s University Hospital Czech Republic

Global Conference on Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health And Psychiatry October 24-26, 2022 | Orlando, Florida, USA

We do believe that meetings with presentations of research results of participants and especially discussions about them will provide space not only to maintain current knowledge about addictions and their treatments but also other related disciplines, whose knowledge can contribute to broader solutions to addictology. In this way, it will probably be also important to support progress and discuss cooperation with disciplines that can be used to address addictology issues such as radiology, nuclear medicine, nuclear, radiobiology, medical physics, and their practical advances.

I am looking forward to following the signs of progress presented during the GAB 2022.

Welcome Message

Psychiatry Conferences

Yours Sincerely
Elizabeth Dale Gilley The Elle Foundation, United States

3rd Edition of Global Conference on Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health And Psychiatry

It is my honor and privilege, as a 2022 scientific committee member,  to welcome you to the  Global Conference on Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry.  New advances in neurogenetics have revolutionized treatment potential, to address the underlying cause of mental health disorders, especially addictions, whether they be substance use or non-substance use. 

Our industry was once  built upon the remarkable contributions of the Hazelden model, cutting edge, in the 1950’s. Today in 2022, we have entered the genomic era of addiction medicine.  Reward Deficiency Syndrome  Solutions  is the new standard of excellence. The new RDS paradigm shift is underway.

Advances from the research arena, make it clear that  addiction needs to be being reconceptualized, in the minds of both providers and the public. These advances highlight the need  for the integration of the sciences of addiction medicine, brain reward circuitry and wellbeing.  

RDS treatment is affordable, easy, and a natural progression of the continuing care model throughout the lifespan. It is a stage two treatment, implemented after completion of substance use disorder treatment.  It is especially  important for those patients with mental health disorder comorbidity, and the relapse prone who have experienced the revolving door of treatment.

As you will become aware,  RDS solutions are already available to the public and I am excited for their prevention potential.  Imagine the future, when family members, the next generation of children of addicts, and  mental health patients,   have access to Genetic Addiction Risk Severity (GARS) testing.  GARS testing  provides insight into those neurogenetic predisposition challenges which interfere with brain chemistry,  before addiction and mental health disorder begins.

The field of psychiatric genomics now utilizes GARS results, for the proper selection of pharmaceutical therapies for the genome, and phenotype. Addressing the underlying neurogenetics of addiction, minimizes the damage from epigenetic insult. In a more practical sense, this eliminates years, of prescription medicine by trial and error, those  “wait and let’s see if it works” tactics.   

It makes sense that to treat mental illness, the provider must consider the brain! Contributions from the new fields of psychiatric genomics and neuropsychology,  improve the odds of successful outcome.  Therapists and counselors in the know wish to become certified in Reward Deficiency Syndrome Solution Focused Brief therapy, to give their patients the best chance possible to overcome psychopathology and thrive.

Addiction treatment of the future includes Substance Use Disorder treatment to stop poisoning the brain with drugs, and to stabilize the client for the second stage Reward Deficiency Syndrome Solutions  treatment, to learn to manage dopamine deficiency and achieve dopamine homeostasis. A continuum of care,  over the lifespan, includes cognitive, positive and transpersonal therapies to assist the client in transition from psychopathology, to autonomy, and eventually,  to thriving.

These are indeed exciting, exhilarating  times in addiction medicine, behavioral health and psychiatry, as we stand on the cutting edge of a better tomorrow. Please join me with your enthusiasm, as we prepare to give and receive, presentations by scientists, practitioners, and industry conglomerates from around the whole.  WE are the future. Celebrate with me, as we come together to share our vision for a better tomorrow.  

Elizabeth Gilley, MAP, PMC Addictions, Research Review Analyst, Scientist, and Founder, The Elle Foundation

This year The Elle Foundation will be offering participation and presentation certificates as a thank you for your contributions to improving global awareness of resources, for those who are still suffering.

Welcome Message

Welcome Message for Addiction Conference 2019

Yours Sincerely
Noel Busch-Armendariz
The University of Texas at Austin

Global Conference on Addiction Medicine and Behavioral Health, August 22-24, 2019 | London, UK

Dear participants, I am so pleased to welcome you all to the 2019 Global Conference on Addiction Medicine and Behavior Health. I’m looking forward to the robust exchange of ideas and learning from you. My scholarship is in the fields of interpersonal violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, human trafficking, and domestic & dating violence. According to the WHO’s 2001 report on violence and health, sexual assault is a global issue. It is in our cities, towns, neighborhoods, backyards, our homes, and at our universities. I feel privileged to have led a study at the University of Texas Systems that included 14 associated universities. I will share the findings and methodology from this study during my keynote. Our research is unprecedented in its scope, duration, and depth of understanding on these issues as they relate to college students. I look forward to seeing you there. Safe travels.

Welcome Message

Welcome Message for Addiction Conference 2019

Yours Sincerely
Leo O. Lanoie
Saskatchewan Health Authority

Global Conference on Addiction Medicine and Behavioral Health, August 22-24, 2019 | London, UK

Dear congress visitors, it is a pleasure to extend to you words of welcome to this conference. In the last three decades Addiction Medicine has evolved from a few physicians who used methadone to treat opioids use disorder and offered disulfiram to the victims of alcoholism to a discipline that has a expanding pharmacopeia. We now have medication that can support the recovery of those who struggle with opioids, alcohol and tobacco. We now have a better understanding of those factors that contribute to addiction and in many cases have the skills to mitigate those factors. The practitioners of this subspecialty have become increasingly aware that there is so much more to addiction than addiction. In order to treat the addiction, we must understand and treat the whole patient. That is what makes addiction medicine exciting and rewarding and leads the addictionist to a never ending pursuit of new knowledge. Welcome to a conference that promise to give you that.

Welcome Message

Welcome Message for Addiction Conference 2019

Yours Sincerely
Jonathan Chick
Castle Craig Hospital

Global Conference on Addiction Medicine and Behavioral Health, August 22-24, 2019 | London, UK

Dear Colleagues,
I was surprised to read recently that the manufacture of pharmaceuticals is a major source of CO2 emissions and thus of global warming. My concerns were more local – that I was being asked to see more and more patients who, because of ‘dual diagnosis’, were being prescribed medications that might actually worsening their addiction to alcohol and drugs. At this conference I look forward to hearing others’ views of the vexed question of comorbidity – how can we better disentangle self-medication for a mental disorder from the sometimes devastating effects on the emotions – indeed on the brain – of misuse of substances…..and thus how better to help our patients.
