Title: A novel approach to study the brain mechanism of addiction
Title: Take home naloxone in multicentre emergency settings Protocol for a feasibility study
Title: ADHD in Heroin addicts Prevalence and psychiatric comorbidity
Title: The utility of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia CBTI in reducing sleep medication usage
Title: Empowering through connection A case for helping clients heal through the therapeutic relationship
Title: The relationship between depression and suicide Clarifying mediating and moderating factors
Title: The relationship between religiosity, spirituality and substance abuse
Title: Look what dragged the cat in, Part II Prioritizing the gateway drug
Title: Social communication and addiction to computer games among adolescents with Asperger syndrome
Title: Experiential group treatment at the intersection of addiction and trauma
Title: Opioid system and rewarding effects of alcohol consumption
Title: How do new psychoactive substances affect the mental health of prisoners
Title: The role of insurance in early intervention to improve outcomes in selected mental illnesses
Title: Inhibitory oculomotor control in cannabis and psychostimulant dependents
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