Degree in medicine and surgery at the University of Trieste, Italy 20/07/1994 and Specialization in Psychiatry at the University of Trieste, Italy 18/11/199 and Specialization in Psychotherapy at the International School of Psychotherapy in the Institutional Setting (I.I.P.R.T.H.P.), Rome, Italy 12/11/2011.
Diploma "Multidisciplinary training program for professionals in the italian dependency system" of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, National Administration School, Anti-drug Policy Department, Rome. Basic course 11/30/2014; advanced course 21/01/2015 also Master "addictology", University of Pisa, Italy, 18/01/2016
Oral presentation: “Diagnostical stability in dual diagnosis”, 12th European Opiate Addiction Treatment Association Conference, Leiden, 27-29/05/2016.
Title : ADHD in Heroin addicts Prevalence and psychiatric comorbidity