Prof Yaacov J Katz is Professor Emeritus at the School of Education, Bar-Ilan University in Israel and presently serves as President of Michlalah - Jerusalem Academic College. He received his B.A. (Psychology and Education) and M.A. (Educational Counseling) from Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel, and his Ph.D. (Education) from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. Prof Katz specializes in religious education & values, affective education, ICT use in education and social attitudes in education. Prof Katz served as Chief Pedagogic Officer of the Israel Ministry of Education where he was responsible for all subject matter taught in Israeli state schools. Prof Katz has published more than 200 scientific chapters and papers in refereed scientific books and journals.
Title : The relationship between religiosity, spirituality and substance abuse