Dr. Denis Larrivee is a visiting scholar at the Mind and Brain Institute, University of Navarra Medical School and Loyola University, Chicago. He has held professorships at the Weill Cornell University Medical College, NYC, and Purdue University, Indiana. A former fellow at Yale University's Medical School, Dr. Larrivee received the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology's first place award for studies on photoreceptor degenerative and developmental mechanisms. He maintains an active interest in medical imaging technology and recently published an edited volume on current advances in magnetic resonance imaging. He is the editor of six additional texts on clinical neuroscience and neurotechnology and is an editorial board member of the Annals of Neurology and Neurological Sciences (USA) and EC Neurology (UK). Dr Larrivee is the lead author of more than one hundred papers and book chapters in such varied journals/venues as IEEE Xplore, the Journal of Neuroscience, Frontiers Human Neuroscience, and the Journal of Religion and Mental Health, including a recent article in the Journal of Responsible Innovation on the integration of ethics in medical neurotechnology design. In 2018, he was a finalist for the international Joseph Ratzinger Expanded Reason award sponsored by the Francis Vittorio University of Madrid. He is currently a member of the USA based IEEE BRAIN Task Force on value based design of medical neurotechnologies.
Title : Sensoria driven genetic decoupling and impaired areal integration in diseases of agency
Title : Genetic decoupling of brain networks and epigenetic factors in diseases of agency
Title : Affordances vs task management: Evoking agency and addiction
Title : Representational proxies and interventional targets in addiction related impairments of self regulation
Title : Addiction and Impairment in Self Control Relating Etiology to the Neural Representation of the Agent