Dr. Goldstein is Professor of Clinical Pharmacology in the Department of Bio-Medical Sciences at PCOM, . His research interests have focused on pharmacologic methods to reduce pain in post-operative, cancer and hospice patients. He currently conducts a research study using THC to improve analgesia in patients presenting with chronic neuropathic pain. He created the term ''Suicidogen": any factor that causes a person to think about and possibly commit suicide [can be searched onthe internet] In addition to his teaching and research at PCOM, he lectures in pharmacology at the University of Pennsylvania School Of Dental Medicine.Dr. Goldstein serves on the editorial board of, and reviews submissions for, the Journal of Opioid Management. He is an active member of the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners where he writes and reviews questions for the COMLEX Level 1 test.
Title : Clinical pharmacology of marijuana: Update 2024
Title : Clinical pharmacology of marijuana: Update 2024
Title : Clinical pharmacology of medical marijuana THC update
Title : Clinical pharmacology of marijuana