Title: Loneliness Amongst Addictions Populations: Validation Of The Social And Emotional Loneliness Scale For Adults – Short Version
Title: Analyzing Contributing Factors of Recreational and Problem Gambling among Young People of Hong Kong: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Title: He Who Knows Addiction Know Medicine
Title: A novel approach to study the brain mechanism of addiction
Title: Love as an Addiction
Title: The Addicted Person: World of life and Synthetic Psychosis. A New perspective from a phenomenological and a psychopathological point of view
Title: Optimal Opioid Substitution Treatment (OST), Based on the European Union (EU) Statistics through 30 years: What to Learn from Diverging France and Norway?
Title: Experiential Group Treatment at the Intersection of Addiction and Trauma
Title: The Relationship between Depression and Suicide: Clarifying Mediating and Moderating Factors
Title: Prescribing psychiatric medications in alcohol use disorders and other addictions: risks and avoiding risk
Title: Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine in Addiction
Title: The Changing nature of America’s drug crisis
Title: Medications development for the treatment of substance use disorders: Recent advances, ongoing projects and funding opportunities
Title: Stress, Coping and Strain in Family Members of Patients with Substance Use Disorder in India
Title: Subcutaneous naltrexone implants for relapse prevention after opiate detoxification: A one year follow up study
Title: The Relationship between Religiosity, Spirituality and Substance Abuse
Title: The role of reinforcement sensitivity and parental behaviour in development of aggressive behaviour regarding its form and function
Title: ADHD in heroin addicts: prevalence and psychiatric comorbidity
Title: Silencing microrna-134 in ventral hippocampus attenuates anxiety-like and depression-like behaviors in cocaine extinction mice
Title: Comorbidity between alcohol consumption and other psychiatric disorders - importance of group intervention
Title: Breathing fire and sweating the rotgut: An indigenous response to the great alcohol addiction among the blackfeet
Title: How do New Psychoactive Substances Affect the Mental Health of Prisoners?
Title: The development and implementation of a multi-disciplinary curriculum and training for screening brief intervention and referral to treatment
Title: Hidden drug abuse in Hong Kong
Title: Lessons learned from a study to cultivate learning and safe environments (CLASE): Reducing college campus sexual assault and misconduct in the context of the U.S.
Title: Reconstructing social support network of substance abusers: Exploring prevalent service models and the public-private relationships of private therapeutic communities in Taiwan
Title: Effect of EMDR-based five-step desensitization on addictive memory and self-esteem in patients with methamphetamine dependence
Title: Psycho social consequences of gambling in adolescents
Title: How opioid and benzo receptor antagonists can return the hpa axis to normal and correct stress related disorders such as addiction, neuro inflammatory diseases such as anxiety, depression and migraines
Title: How training and stigma interplay in buprenorphine prescribing in the treatment of opioid use disorder
Title: Lessons on methodology and impact from a study of campus sexual violence: Reducing college campus sexual assault and misconduct in the U.S. context
Title: Lessons on methodology and impact from a study of campus sexual violence: Reducing college campus sexual assault and misconduct in the U.S. context
Title: Opioid system and rewarding effects of alcohol consumption
Title: Social communication and addiction to computer games among adolescents with asperger syndrome
Title: Empowering through connection: A case for helping clients heal through the therapeutic relationship
Title: Treating addictions with an integrative approach
Title: Treating addictions with an integrative approach
Title: The effects of yoga on addiction disorders
Title: Rate and sociodemographic predictors of psychoactive substance use among secondary school students in a rural community in Nigeria
Title: The utility of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBTI) in reducing sleep medication usage
Title: Insights and resilience in addiction treatment
Title: TIME: Take-home naloxone In Multicentre Emergency settings: Protocol for a feasibility study
Title: Inhibitory oculomotor control in cannabis and psychostimulant dependents
Title: Assessing the efficacy of moti-4 for reducing the use of cannabis among youth in the Netherlands: A randomized controlled trial