HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Orlando, Florida, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

6th Edition of Global Conference on

Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry

October 20-22, 2025 | Orlando, Florida, USA

Neurology 2017

Neurology Conferences 2020
Abigail Takyi
University of Brighton, UK

Title: Low dose chronic prenatal alcohol exposure abolishes the pro-cognitive effects of angiotensin IV

Neurology Conferences 2020
Caroline Corbel
Institut de Recherche Dupuy de Lôme (IRDL), France

Title: Tamoxifen : Not only a breast cancer drug but also a putative neurodegenerative disorder treatment ?

Neurology Conferences 2020
Debashis Mukhopadhyay
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, India

Title: Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes in context: Common surface receptors, adaptors and degenerative signals

Neurology Conferences 2020
Gabriele Saretzki
Newcastle University, UK

Title: Telomerase in brain and the beneficial effects of telomerase activators on brain ageing and neurodegeneration

Neurology Conferences 2020
Gilles Guillemin
Macquarie University, Australia

Title: The kynurenine pathway in brain cells and its involvement in neuroinflammatory diseases

Neurology Conferences 2020
Jeffery Liddell
University of Melbourne, Australia

Title: Targeting copper for the treatment of neurodegeneration

Neurology Conferences 2020
Jong Wook Chang
Samsung Medical Center, Korea

Title: The application of human mesenchymal stem cell for alzheimer’s disease

Neurology Conferences 2020
Khin Maung Bo
Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Title: Multiple Sclerosis, corpus callosum and bedside test

Neurology Conferences 2020
Kimiko Inoue
Toneyama National Hospital, Japan

Title: Neuropathology of neuronal intermediate filament inclusion disease (NIFID): Immunophenotypic and topographical analysis of the neuronal inclusions

Neurology Conferences 2020
Leonardo Pingnataro
Columbia University-City University of New York-CSI, USA

Title: Ethanol modulates gene expression in the brain by activating the heat shock pathway

Neurology Conferences 2020
Michael Ugrumov
Institute of Developmental Biology RAS, Russia

Title: Upgraded prodromal diagnosis of parkinson’s disease based on a search for biomarkers and a provocation test

Neurology Conferences 2020
Miranda N Reed
Auburn University, USA

Title: Mechanisms of cerebral hyperexcitability induction by antiviral acute phase response

Neurology Conferences 2020
Mahmoud Kiaei
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, United States

Title: Mutant Profilin1 transgenic mice recapitulate cardinal features of motor neuron disease

Neurology Conferences 2020
Niall finerty
Maynooth University, Ireland

Title: Continuous real-time monitoring of brain extracellular fluid using microamperometric sensors and their application in a humanized mouse model of Parkinson’s disease

Neurology Conferences 2020
Nicole Hess
University of New England, Australia

Title: Isometric exercise training for managing vascular risk factors in mild cognitive impairment and alzheimer’s disease

Neurology Conferences 2020
Sabine Cordes
Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute/Mt Sinai Hospital, Canada

Title: Misregulation of an activity-dependent splicing network as a common mechanism underlying autism spectrum disorders

Neurology Conferences 2020
Sergi Ferre
National Institute on Drug Abuse(NID, NIH), USA

Title: Pre-coupling of receptor oligomers and signaling molecules: Challenging classical pharmacology

Neurology Conferences 2020
Shinji Ohara
Matsumoto Medical Center, Japan

Title: SOD1- linked familial ALS with marked intrafamilial phenotypic variation. How do clinical features relate to pathology?

Neurology Conferences 2020
Stephen Wren
University of Oxford, UK

Title: Discovery of novel inhibitors of P300/CBP-associated factor (PCAF)

Neurology Conferences 2020
Steven Benvenisti
United States Civil Attorney and Partner at Davis, USA

Title: Spring break: A true story of hope and determination

Neurology Conferences 2020
Udai Pandey
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, USA

Title: Perturbed stress granule dynamics in RNA-mediated neurodegenerative diseases

Neurology Conferences 2020
Marisela Morales
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NID, NIH), USA

Title: Dorsal raphe dual serotonin-only and serotonin-glutamate neurons synapsing on VTA dopamine neurons drive dopamine release and reward

Neurology Conferences 2020
Michel Baudry
Western University of Health Sciences, USA

Title: Calpain-2: A new target for the prevention of neurodegeneration

Neurology Conferences 2020
Giuseppe Scalabrino
University of Milan, Italy

Title: Cobalamin, normal prions, and epidermal growth factor. A three-cornered hat

Neurology Conferences 2020
Harry W M Steinbusch
Maastricht University, The Netherlands

Title: Epigenetic changes and brainstem dysfunction in neuropsychiatric disorders – AD/PD/Anx

Neurology Conferences 2020
Pankaj Sharma
University of London, UK

Title: Stroke in south asians

Neurology Conferences 2020
Medvedev Svyatoslav
N.P.Bechtereva Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation

Title: Disorders of consciousness: Basic and applied research

Neurology Conferences 2020
Martin L Pall
Washington State University, USA

Title: Microwave frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produce widespread neuropsychiatric effects including depression

Neurology Conferences 2020
Sergio Chieff
Second University of Naples, Italy

Title: Involvement of the occipito-temporal pathway in delayed reaching: Data from a case of optic ataxia

Neurology Conferences 2020
Laura Calz
University of Bologna, Italy

Title: Automatic analysis of spontaneous speech for detecting mild cognitive impairment: A screening tool?

Neurology Conferences
Andrzej Pilc
Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Title: The mGlu4 receptors as target for novel antipsychotic drugs; Interactions with other neurotransmitter systems

Neurology Conferences
Razvana Stanciu
Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium

Title: Sensory processing in autism spectrum disorders: literature review and perspective on the latest theories

Neurology Conferences
Kathryn Common
Childrens Hospital Boston-Harvard Medical School, USA

Title: The magic and mystery of brain serotonin

Neurology Conferences
Caroline Lucke
Medical Campus University of Oldenburg, Germany

Title: Psychiatric pathology in somatically ill hospital patients: Implications of current data on consultation-liaison psychiatry

Neurology Conferences
Sabrina Wang
National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan

Title: Changes in the orexin system in the rats expressing learned helplessness behaviors

Neurology Conferences 2020
Marta Nieto
Spanish National Research Council, Spain

Title: Cux1 enables inter-hemispheric connections of layer II-III neurons by regulating Kv1- dependent firing

Neurology Conferences
Viviane Rostirola Elsner
IPA Methodist University, Brazil

Title: The impact of physical exercise on the modulation of epigenetic and inflammatory markers in schizophrenic individuals

Neurology Conferences
Anna Bezdeneznykh
Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Russian Federation

Title: Bilingualism: Cognitive assessment of post stroke patients in republic of tyva

Neurology Conferences
Barbara R. Cardos
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Title: Selenium and alzheimer’s disease: Facts and effects

Neurology Conferences
Bruno Gonzalez
Inserm - U1245 Team NeoVasc, France

Title: Blockade of NMDA receptors in the developing cortex and consequences on the autophagic death of migrating interneurons

Neurology Conferences
Gladstone C McDowell
Integrated Pain Solutions, USA

Title: Healthy and successful pregnancy while receiving intrathecal ziconotide for arachnoiditisrelated chronic pain

Neurology Conferences
Kenneth Gaines
Vanderbilt university, USA

Title: Novel stroke care delivery designs

Neurology Conferences
Laehyun Kim
Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea

Title: EEG data analysis for motor rehabilitation of stroke patients

Neurology Conferences
M.R. Graham
Llantarnam Health Care, UK

Title: The use of the infrascanner to prevent head injuries in combat sport

Neurology Conferences
Marina Vladimirovna Zueva
Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases, Russian Federation

Title: Areas of applications and the market of non-linear technologies for restoration and modulation of the dynamics of brain activity and behavior

Neurology Conferences
Robyn Tolhurst
Red Fern Communication, Australia

Title: English for scientists – Getting published

Neurology Conferences
Saema Ansar
Lund University, Sweden

Title: Novel therapeutic strategies to improve t-PA therapy and promote recovery after stroke

Neurology Conferences
Serhiy Forostyak
Charles University, Czech Republic

Title: Stem cells application for the therapy of neurological disorders

Neurology Conferences
Lars Hakan Thorell
Linkoping University, Sweden

Title: Theory of vulnerability to suicide through hippocampal indifference in depression

Neurology Conferences
Cecilia Montanez
Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Mexico

Title: Dystrophin Dp71 isoforms are differentially expressed in the mouse retina and brain structures

Neurology Conferences
Moataz Mohamed Talaat Mohamed Kamel El Semary
Cairo university, Egypt

Title: Efficacy of biofeedback training on bladder and erectile dysfunction in paraplegic patients

Neurology Conferences
Maria-Magdalena Georgescu
Louisiana State University, USA

Title: The defining cerebral vascular pathology of the new clinical histopathologic entity ACTA2- related cerebrovascular disease (ARCD

Neurology Conferences
Teruna J. Siahaan
The University of Kansas, USA

Title: A novel method to deliver therapeutic and diagnostic molecules to the brain

Neurology Conferences
Toshiki Mizuno
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Japan

Title: Lesson from the hereditary cerebral small vessel disease

Neurology Conferences
Katherine L Wisner
Northwestern University,USA

Title: Optimizing medication management for mothers with depression

Neurology Conferences
Meena Kumari
Kansas State University, USA

Title: RNA-binding protein caught moonlighting

Neurology Conferences
Magnus Gram
Lund University, Sweden

Title: Brain damage and neurological impairment in newborns

Neurology Conferences
Joanna Czarzasta
University of Warmia and Mazury, Poland

Title: Identification of cytokines/chemokines in the blood serum and cerebrospinal fluids after transplantation of bone marrow MSCs to ALS patients

Neurology Conferences
Dennis J. Dlugos
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, USA

Title: KCNT1 epileptic encephalopathy – phenotype, genotype, precision therapy

Neurology Conferences
Lynda El-Hassar
Yale School of Medicine, USA

Title: Modulators of Kv3 channels regulate firing rate and temporal accuracy of auditory brainstem neurons in a mouse model of Fragile X syndrome

Neurology Conferences
Hoi Ki Kate Lui
Tseung Kwan O Hospital, Hong Kong

Title: De novo status epilepticus is associated with adverse outcome: An 11-year retrospective study in Hong Kong

Neurology Conferences
Shuhei Yamaguchi
Shimane University, Japan

Title: Association of cognitive and motor functions with brain network in elderly

Neurology Conferences
Victor Vvedensky
Kurchatov Inststute, Russian Federation

Title: Local alpha block as a new tool in neuromagnetic studies

Neurology Conferences
Michael Luedtke
Johnson & Johnson, USA

Title: Importance of medical device usability studies and image analysis measurement techniques

Neurology Conferences
Fatimah Alqarni
King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz University hospital, Saudi Arabia

Title: Diagnosis and treatment of late-onset pompe disease in the middle east and north africa region

Neurology Conferences
Albekov Nurvadi
Chechen State University, Russia

Title: The field of emergence as a model for determining potentiality of linguistic fuzzy sets

Neurology Conferences
Paul Chapple
Queen Mary University of London, UK

Title: Cellular models of Autosomal Recessive Spastic Ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay (ARSACS) reveal mitochondrial dysfunction and cytoskeletal reorganisation

Neurology Conferences
Henry Bakunts
International Medical Centre STROKE, Armania

Title: Detoxication therapy in stroke
