Title : My stuff hurts: Internal pain expressed in external ways
There are many forms of expressing pain and hurt. It may be a learned behavior; replicating the actions and behaviors of a respected individual. It may be unconscious, each time hurt happens it is relieved with a specific food, drink, substance or action. It may be a cultural or traditional method to manage pain. Whether it is physical, mental or emotional pain, it needs to be communicated and expressed in a healthy way. In this engaging presentation audience members will be taken through a story of lived experience expressing pain in unhealthy behaviors, activities and the subsequent results. Audience members will leave with an applicable method to do a self pulse check. The audience's communication skills will be enhanced throughout this presentation. Audience members will be more equipped to communicate with their family, co-workers and other professionals supporting them about the pain or uncomfortable emotions they may be experiencing. While pain is part of life's experience it must be expressed in constructive methods. Each individual will have their own way of expressing their pain,the communication skills taught in this presentation will go over pace and priority when audience members feel their mental health or wellness is being affected. The presentation will encourage the audience to engage with professionals before the pain becomes unmanageable. The objective of this presentation is to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to effectively communicate with self-awareness.
The presentation will cover
- Communicating assertively
- Understanding and recognizing logical v. Emotional thoughts
- A technique to increase self-awareness
The audience will leave with encouragement and inspiration to engage support before their pain affects their mental health and wellness.