HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Baltimore, Maryland, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

5th Edition of Global Conference on

Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry

October 21-23, 2024 | Baltimore, Maryland, USA

GAB 2023

One: A documentary

Speaker at Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry 2023 - Dawn Duhaime
Spring Green Foundation, United States
Title : One: A documentary


Attendees will have the opportunity to view a clip from the award-winning documentary ONE, which touches on the opioid crisis in our nation, underlying a major fundamental truth about addiction; our culture will do almost anything to avoid pain.  This film uses the philosophy of Alan Watts coupled with Dr. Vincent Felitti’s explanation of ACES and its direct correlation into the likelihood of becoming an IV drug user.  ONE looks at the perspective of addiction from all aspects of life experiences.  From the gang leader to the cheerleader, it breaks down the passageway to the dependence and ultimately revealing all paths lead to the same road, pain.  Immediately following this film the moderator facilitates a discussion that allows individuals to self-reflect into their own past and how their life experiences led them to unhealthy coping patterns.  In reality, we all have some form of addiction whether it be in the manner of a drug or another outlet such as spending, pornography, repeating a cycle of unhealthy relationships, eating, etc.  This event opens up the understanding to the significance of these conversations, how they should be facilitated in all treatment centers and more importantly, in our schools and living rooms before it becomes a habit/pattern/addiction.

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • The group will have multiple abilities for both personal and professional growth through this experience.  Since most impactful learning is obtained experientially, we believe it is critical for the viewer to connect their own respective path to what the documentary is revealing.  Through their understanding, they have a better ability to lead others into to their own personal insight of how much our life experiences play into our behavioral patterns.  This feature has multiple adults with diverse backgrounds.  It is likely the viewer will see themselves in one or more pieces of this, giving them the ability to connect their life events with a behavior pattern.
  • It is our belief this is a foundational piece that must be addressed in all addiction prevention and treatment.  If we do not understand the why, we cannot fully address the how.  Our hope is that everyone viewing this film and participating in the discussion will be able to lead others through the same discussion, drawing in other mental health professionals in their field to support group participants.  This creates an ongoing dialogue that directs each person back to the ‘heart of the matter.’  When new coping tools are given alongside this form of education, it provides a greater ability to sustain recovery.
  • While this film has some profane language and does show some drug use, many parents are opting to sit with their teens and watch this together to begin the conversation at home.  The discussion guide is a fantastic tool for those who feel ill equipped for this type of dialogue.  The film’s producer, Dawn Duhaime, shares her own personal experience of discovering her son’s addiction while in the middle of production, thus thrusting her into the midst of the very darkness she was learning about.  His overdose 911 call has been incorporated into the film for viewers to get a glimpse into the collateral damage that comes with addiction for so many families. 
  • We see this as sort of a “book club” discussion but as a film.  The documentary is broken into multiple segments so it can easily be stopped for discussion on topics such as identity, addiction, feelings and how we cope, pursuit of life’s meaning, our resistance to change, and personal responsibility.



Dawn Duhaime received her bachelor’s degree majoring in social work, becoming a licensed social worker. From there she went on to complete her masters in the general studies of human behavior.  Her desire to understand the ‘why’ drives her to continually challenge herself personally.  She has been in the field of social work for 35 years and has served in numerous roles, including working with inner city gang youth, leading a family ministries counseling program, a school social worker to school dean to eventually training teachers on how to connect with high risk youth in the classroom.  She currently is an executive director for a nonprofit that serves to provide healing to individuals who have experienced trauma through their life experiences, addiction, and incarceration.  However, her greatest achievement was her son, Justin, whom she always referred to as her ‘heart with legs.’  Justin lost his battle to addiction in 2019 and Dawn uses her grief as a tool to be his voice to others struggling with personal pain.
