HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Baltimore, Maryland, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

5th Edition of Global Conference on

Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry

October 21-23, 2024 | Baltimore, Maryland, USA

GAB 2023

Mia W McNary

Speaker at Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry 2023 - Mia W McNary
Artist and Visual Storyteller, “Picture Recovery”, United States
Title : Visual Cues Trigger Emotions Picture Recovery in Actual Pictures to Stay Sober


Picture Recovery is a visual roadmap through the journey of alcohol recovery. It's much easier to remember a picture than words, and with 65 percent of the population identifying as a visual learner, this is the only book of its kind in the alcoholism recovery category. This visual aid (relatable images!) is intended to help people stay on the recovery path. It's a great companion to attending meetings, other literature and connecting with people doing well in the program.I'm confident this is a necessary companion to attending meetings because I used it myself and I'm now more than two decades sober. It was difficult to recall what was said, especially at the beginning of my journey, and this was the recall tool I relied on especially in difficult times.

Created from over 28 years of Mia’s sobriety journey attending meetings, Picture Recovery is a reminder to slow down, and find more self compassion. Mia’s goal is to help others like herself who need visuals to retain the suggestions of the program. This book was created to help people recall the incredible suggestions heard in recovery rooms. These images are a reminder to all suffering that each day is an opportunity to discover an amazing potential. Picture Recovery’s goal is to have the reader spot their true super sober self. Our mission is to save one life.

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • Picture Recovery will help those struggling with addiction to have visual tools to retain these new suggestions heard in meetings, and to be able to recall later when needed. Especially in a crisis moment, it’s much easier to remember a picture than words, and the idea is so simple-it’s bite-sizedgraphics depicting recurring themesheard in meetings. Today’s reader needs to digest visually, with updated graphics intended to be understood at a glance.
  • This conference has the literal word, “vision” in it: “Vision” for Controlling Narcotic Dependency and Relapse. It’s imperative to think about the journey and the visual aids necessary, in a manner that supports the learning path of 65 percent of the population.
  • This book contains images, selected from literally thousands of Mia’s sketches over her 28 years in Alcoholic Anonymous 12-step recovery program. The audience can begin to think about how to translate the written word and create complementary graphics to ensure broader learning. Our goal is to help one person with this book and to show the world that visual process is key to the majority of the population, especially in the area of mental health.
  • These visual learners are in crisis so how complex information is delivered to them is key to their life long success. Why is this important? Relapse is common for anyone fighting an addiction so it’s imperative to introduce visuals into the recovery process? If someone has a hearing challenge, we teach sign language or otherwise modify how information is delivered.
  • Alcoholism is a lifelong disease and the information a person learns in rehab centers should be easy to process and retained long term. The question is how best to deliver critical information to maximize learning has been answered: multiple methods of delivery including visual aids!
  • YES! Research has shown that visualization of complex content can bolster communication for changing attitudes and behavior


Educated at Carnegie Mellon University and at Studio Art Center International in Florence, Italy, Owner of Masters In Art Studio Chicago,IL. McNary worked in the advertising industry for years. Mia is married with three adult kids, is the published author of ”Picture Recovery,” and an advocate for autism and always sketching her life journey. -Sober date 1/3/1995
