HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Baltimore, Maryland, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

5th Edition of Global Conference on

Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry

October 21-23, 2024 | Baltimore, Maryland, USA

GAB 2024

Jessica Reichert

Speaker at Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry 2024 - Jessica Reichert
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, United States
Title : Law enforcement-led referrals to behavioral health treatment: An overview of U.S. defection programs


Substance use disorders and overdoses continue to be a prevailing U.S. problem. Since 2016, overdose deaths involving opioids (the vast majority synthetic opioids, such as fentanyl) have been the most common form of accidental death, exceeding other causes including vehicles or guns. Nearly 1 million Americans have died from drug overdoses since 1999, with more than 70% of these deaths tied to opioids. Those with substance use disorders and following drug overdoses may come to the attention of law enforcement. In 2022, police made nearly 1 million drug-related arrests often encountering the same individuals. To combat these issues, police departments and other first responders have employed deflection programs partnering with community agencies to refer individuals to behavioral health treatment without making arrests. This public health and public safety approach was developed to provide better outcomes for community members and reduce the burden on public safety. According to a 2020 national survey of police deflection, at that time, hundreds of police departments in 39 states operated such programs. According to one U.S. and one Canadian meta-analysis, these programs can reduce recidivism, lower substance use, improve health, and reduce social costs. We will describe deflection in the U.S., including evolution, prevalence, key characteristics, current research, and best practices. We will present findings from a multi-site U.S. deflection study, funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Justice, including interviews with deflection programs in six states on policies, procedures, and lessons learned. Further, we will share findings from an outcome evaluation of one program state examining the community outcomes of arrests; treatment admissions; and fatal/non-fatal overdoses. Finally, we will offer resources including related international and national professional associations, webinars, and e-courses. The presentation can offer information for individuals and communities interested in starting or improving community deflection programs.

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • Define law enforcement-led deflection, its evolution, and how programs operate in the United States.
  • Understand best practices for deflection in the community.
  • Appraise the efficacy and cost-benefit of law enforcement deflection programs.
  • Engage law enforcement in the development of deflection programs in their community to better improve public health and public safety outcomes.


Jessica Reichert is a Senior Research Scientist and the Manager of the Center for Justice Research and Evaluation at the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority. She has conducted and is conducting, studies of police deflection programs, including a multi-state evaluation funded by the National Institute of Justice with RAND. She was awarded the annual National Publication Award for her work from the Justice Research and Statistics Association in 2010, 2021, and 2023. She earned her master’s degree in criminal justice from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Bradley University.
