HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Baltimore, Maryland, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

5th Edition of Global Conference on

Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry

October 21-23, 2024 | Baltimore, Maryland, USA

GAB 2024

Psychosocial pathomorphosis of depressions

Speaker at Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry 2024 - Valery N Krasnov
Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry, Russian Federation
Title : Psychosocial pathomorphosis of depressions


The aim of the study is to determine the changes in phenomenology of depressions over the past four decades. We’ve compared the archival date of one of the authors (V.N.K) obtained in the study of depression within 1980-1986 years (1-st group, 103 patients, 47 with Recurrent Depression/RD, and 56 with Bipolar Depression/BD; 53 female, 50 male) and the data of the study of depression carried out in the same clinic within 2015-2021 years (2-nd group, 109 patients, 52 with Recurrent Depression/RD and 57 with Bipolar depression/BD; 54 female, 55 male). Age of patients 21 - 59 years in both groups. Severity of depression: 21 - 32 points by Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS-17). Besides, the original psychopathological chart, elaborated in 1980 for registration of melancholic symptoms, were used in both studies. The two samples were comparable by age, sex, severity of depression.
Results: biologically mediated symptoms of depressions (heavy sadness with “vitalization”, early awakening, loss of energy, loss of appetite and libido} were the same in both groups; but phenomenology of congruent depressive ideas, connected with self-reflection and moral feelings (worthlessness, guilt, anaesthesia psychica dolorosa), even suicidal ideas are decreasing last decades, especially in young persons. We suppose psycholinguistic reasons, taken into consideration spreading of social media with very poor language instead of live direct communication. Patient are suffering, but have not enough variable emotional language to express their suffering.

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • That clinicians have to take into account the linguistic problems in young patients, and develop their skill in clinical interview for revealing hidden suffering in patients
  • That researchers have to find some appropriate instruments to explore the influence of virtual communication on phenomenology of depression


From 1974 I permanently working as clinician and researcher in Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry. Former director of the Institute. Current position - Head of Department for clinical and pathogenetic studies in psychiatry. Sphere of interests: psychopathology and psychophysiology of affective disorders, schizophrenia, stress related disorders, psychosomatics. Past-president of the Russian Society of psychiatrists. For many years I did involve in different international professional activity, being the WPA Zonal Representative for Eastern Europe (1999-2006), member of Education Committee of WPA (2006-2009). Honorary Member of WPA. From 2014 to 2019 – member of the WHO working group on revision of ICD-10 and development of ICD-11. International Member of American Psychiatric Association.
