HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Baltimore, Maryland, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

5th Edition of Global Conference on

Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry

October 21-23, 2024 | Baltimore, Maryland, USA

GAB 2024

State of addiction and addiction psychiatry in Uganda: A comprehensive review

Speaker at Addiction Medicine, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry 2024 - Twesigye Lucky
Mulago National Hospital, Uganda
Title : State of addiction and addiction psychiatry in Uganda: A comprehensive review


Uganda, like many other countries faces challenges related to addiction in different forms among its regions. This abstract gives a comprehensive view of the state of addiction, addiction psychiatry and addiction management in Uganda. The review extracts data from a wide source of literature including research studies, hospital reports, articles and other publications on addiction and addiction psychiatry form credible publishers. It further traverses through the different forms of addictions registered in psychiatric hospitals and how such cases are managed. Additionally, the abstract lists the different psychiatric hospitals prearranged to handle patients with psychiatric disorders and addictions including Mulago national hospital and Butabika National mental referral hospital as the main psychiatric hospital prearranged to handle psychiatric patients. It explains the procedures how patients are identified from the community, how they are transported to the facilities, how they are diagnosed and managed while they are at these facilities. It explains the different services offered by these facilities during patient care including curative, preventive and rehabilitative psychiatric services. Furthermore, the abstract discusses the types of treatment approaches used during patients care including interventions, behavioral therapies, and psychosocial support. It also highlights the effectiveness of these approaches on handling different natures of addiction. The findings of this review indicate a need for more research, sensitization on prevention, treatment strategies in order to fight this global problem of addiction. By understanding the risk factors associated with addiction and causes of addiction, health professionals in the line of addiction psychiatry together with ministries of health, NGOs and other governments can join efforts and develop plans and interventions aimed at improving psychiatric patient care, treatment, promote awareness and make policies that target reducing levels of addiction in societies.

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • The presentation will act as a learning ground for the audience since it will show how Uganda has put in place different measures to manage addiction in its country which measures can be adopted by the audience and applied in their respective countries.
  • The presentation will show and explain the different addictions and how Uganda has handled them which will be a share point of knowledge using Uganda as a point of reference.
  • The presentation will front to the audience different treatment approaches adopted in Uganda and their effectiveness which can be employed by other Psychiatrists to better their patients care.


Psychologist Twesigye Lucky Studied Psychiatry at school of psychiatric clinical officers in Uganda and graduated in 2006. He did a certificate in HIV/AIDs guidance and counseling in 2008. Furthermore in 2013, he joined Mbarara University of science and technology, did a bachelor degree in clinical psychology and his now actively working with Mulago National hospital department of psychiatry.
