Title : The role of tobacco chewing in shaping marital dynamics: Insights from behavioral health in Indian couples
Tobacco chewing, a very common habit in India that affects not only health, but also has deep influnence on inter-personal relationships of Indian couples. It plays a major role in emotional and behavioral dimensions in marital dynamics of all socio- economic statuses. The research studies the changing spousal perception through marriage, pattern of communication, emotional intimacy, trust and respect, conflict resolution, gender role expectations and sexual satisfaction.
The study has employed a mixed method approach, including survey and interview of 300 married women, who were in marital relationship for the past one month and above, across diverse socio- economic backgrounds. The findings concluded that there is a vast difference in acceptance of spousal tobacco chewing habit depending on age, education, occupation, socio- economic status and geographical area of the respondent women. Tobacco chewing is a source of conflict issues arising in marriages and affects the health concerns, emotional distancing, trust issues, concerns of impact on children, societal image, issues in respect towards spouse, causes of marital discords, financial problems , and co- existing psychological issues. However, in case where both the spouse consumed tobacco, showed shared rituals and intentional/ unintentional ignorance towards above mentioned issues between couples. Above all, the issue exists in suppressed form in families, usually least connected to the relationship issues. Not only that the couples are untrained to deal this problem, but also the society has the casual approach in understanding the problem, sometimes couple never talking about it and thus, underscores the need to target behavioral interventions for a satisfactory marital life.