Cannabis is by far the substance that is misused the most. Using this excessively can lead to abuse, addiction, and dependency. As a result of frequent usage, the body grew used to the drug's presence there. Cannabis affects the central nervous system, which results in sensations of relaxation, mild euphoria, increased appetite, and issues with time and space perception. Cannabis misuse puts you at risk for both short-term harm and long-term harm, including the establishment of an addiction. The misconception that cannabis is a benign or innocuous substance is widespread. Cannabis abusers' bodies display a range of withdrawal symptoms when they attempt to quit using marijuana, including the following:
Title : Tailoring biblio-poetry therapies using AI and biofeedback for addiction treatment
Nile Stanley, University of North Florida, United States
Title : Clinical pharmacology of marijuana: Update 2024
Frederick J Goldstein, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, United States
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Sam Vaknin, Southern Federal University, United Kingdom
Title : Decoding aggression, violence, and substance use in adolescents with conduct disorders: Neurochemical pathways and interventions
Ann Marie Leonard Zabel, Curry College, United States
Title : Sensoria driven genetic decoupling and impaired areal integration in diseases of agency
Denis Larrivee, University of Navarra, Spain
Title : Positive outcome of adherence to the reward deficiency syndrome solution system treatment plan: A longitudinal study
Elizabeth Dale Gilley, The Elle Foundation, United States